
This is the 9 most bizarre colored rivers and lakes of our planet

The bizarre coloring of water is many times only the initial degree of serious pollution.

See how the waste leak can change the environmental conditions of lakes and rivers literally in a few moments.

1. Yellow River (China)

Yellow river ChinaSource:

The sixth longest river in the world is, according to UN criteria, polluted very seriously since 2007. Up to 33% of its river system represents environmental pollution less than grade 5, ie unacceptable for animals and industrial production.

It is estimated that about 4.29 billion tonnes of waste are being discharged annually. Its typically yellow color is caused by the accumulated sediment that the river floats from mainly the central part of China.

2. Chaohu Lake (China)

lake Chaohu china

Contact with water from Lake Chaohu causes skin rashes, eye problems, diarrhea, vomiting, joint and muscle pain. 

This green-colored lake in the Chinese province of Hefei is very far away from being what is considered a healthy  water surface. Its coloration is caused by water algae. Huge amount of algae have polluted the lake so much that its water can not be drunk, there are no aquatic animals and people are risking their health when in direct contact with water.

Lake Chaohu, with an area of ​​780 square kilometers it is a dead zone in the flourishing industrial area. The industry is responsible for most of its pollution.

3. Tietê River (Brazil)

River Tietê Brazil

This Brazilian river did not take hit us with its peculiar color, but by thick layer of foam which forms regularly every year from June to August. When drought occurs, the level of the river is reduced and smaller volume accumulates hazardous components, which in reaction with water form the foam.

It is estimated that poorly regulated waste from huge city of São Paolo is behind the production of toxic foam.

4. Zhongting River (China)

Pollution in China's Hebei Province is really great. This time it is the Zhongting River. In 2016, the industrial iron and steel leak turned to blood-red. A similar situation was repeated 10 years ago.

5. Yangtze River (China)

This river in the south of the country also discolored very similarly. The Yangtze River, China's third largest river, remained red after heavy flood rains that brought large amounts of sludge into the river.

Ecological disasters of similar dimensions are common in the country. "Water pollution in China is just as serious as air pollution," said IBT Director Greenpeace China Adu Kong.

6. Channel in Savar (Bangladesh)

River Savar Textile productionThis polluted water channel is located next to the primary school where several students fainted or had an unpleasant skin rash. 

The river in Bangladesh, to which without much regulation a nearby textile factory discharges its wastewater, has not only one but even few colors. It all depends on the color that is currently used by the production to color clothing.

Bangladesh is a one of leading countries in the world in producing, processing and exporting textiles. 
However, the textile industry has polluted almost the whole country because of a low level of wastewater regulation. Especially the surroundings of Dhaka, country´s capital city, where the tradition of fishing and rice cultivation has completely eroded.

7. Karachay Lake (Russia)

Karachay Lake RussiaSource:

This Russian lake is referred to as the most polluted area on earth. About seventy years ago, the government of the USSR built a secret nuclear weapons factory. All the waste that was produced at the time of production went to a nearby lake.

Karachay lake is polluted by radioactive components up to three and a half meters deep. Any type of moving around the banks of the lake is still not recommended. The strength of radioactivity climbs to 600 rontgens per hour in some parts of the area.

8. Neath River (Wales)

Neath River WalesSource:

In 2011, the Neath River in Walse washes out wastewater from nearby mines. The fact that the waste was really poisonous was the orange color.

In the end, no human casualties but a few goblins became the victims. The government located the spill site within a few days and the water flow returned to its original state.

9. Valira River (Andorra)

Valira River AndorraSource:

This small stream in the Iberian Mountains has frightened residents of Seu d'Urgell village after it has been colored to fluorescent green. However, there was no ecological disaster but a water test at the bottled water factory on the river.

In the past, it had problems with the bacteria that caused thousands of people digestive problems. The bright green color should only test the presence of the bacteria in the object.

Chicago river greenSimilarly Chicago residents were surprised by organizers when celebrating St. Patrick's Day. The Chicago River was tainted green for a few hours.

However, previous examples show that water pollution has far-reaching consequences for human life and the environment. If factories, mines, or towns secure proper regulation of its waste water similar ecological disasters would not appear as often as we witness today.

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