
City that needs a reconstruction of a wastewater treatment plant

It is a well-known phenomenon that the number of inhabitants of the capital of Slovakia and in its surroundings is constantly growing. This situation affects the entire infrastructure as well as the requirements for the capacity of sewer and wastewater treatment plants. That is why Hydrotech has recently been working on an execution project for such a municipality. This project involved equipping a new WWTP line, increasing sludge amount for pollution removal and overall modernization of the facility.

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Teambuilding of HYDROTECH s. r. o.


A traditional sport and grill afternoon took place on 25th of April 2019. This event started with a favourite game Kubb initiated by one experienced...

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3 methods of wastewater treatment in dairy processing industry


Good news! The wastewater in the dairy processing industry is not that hard to clean. However, the technology employed is fairly complex.